
One of the aims of Endometriosis South Coast is to provide up to date and relevant research to those that want to access it. There will be regular updates here of what we think may be of interest. Jodie’s work will also be published here when it is ready.

A study into how different factors effect endometriosis care

Annabelle Basson from Portsmouth University is asking people with Endometriosis to get involved in her study that explores the acceptability of psychological interventions as people with endo.

Contact her

Ines Brzychcyk from Portsmouth University is asking people with Endometriosis to get involved in her study that explores self-management strategies amongst people with endometriosis.

Contact her

Rachel is a qualitative researcher at the University of Oxford, involved in a new study about UK patients’ experiences of endometriosis with Dr Abi McNiven. We are interviewing patients about their experiences of endometriosis and of healthcare services for endometriosis in the UK. We are aiming to interview a wide range of people with diverse experiences, to make a new information and support resource on the Health Experience Insights (HEXI) website at about experiences of endometriosis. We will also make a short film to use at co-design workshops with patients, healthcare practitioners, and policy-makers, to work out what other resources to develop from the study.

An overview of the study is available here:

Jodie is currently working on her PhD looking at Endometriosis care and how it differs in different sample groups.If you would like to take part click on the link below.