
We want to help everyone advocate for themselves as they navigate the diagnosis journey and beyond. We have a number of different free resources to help you do this – from tick lists and pain diaries, through to additional support services and notable affiliations

Free Resources

Mental Health


Free Resources

Pain Symptoms

Use this to indicate exactly where you are feeling your pain and symptoms.

Putting on your own fundraising event

Use this sponsor form to create your own fundraiser and event.

We are very lucky that The Fanny Diaries has allowed us to share her amazing resources to ensure as many people as possible have access to them.

We are very lucky that The Fanny Diaries has allowed us to share her amazing resources to ensure as many people as possible have access to them.

We are very lucky that The Fanny Diaries has allowed us to share her amazing resources to ensure as many people as possible have access to them.

We are very lucky that The Fanny Diaries has allowed us to share her amazing resources to ensure as many people as possible have access to them.

We are very lucky that The Fanny Diaries has allowed us to share her amazing resources to ensure as many people as possible have access to them.

British Menopause Society

Understanding Menopause

Your essential guide to navigating menopause successfully

British Menopause Society

British Menopause Society

Endo and Mental Health

We strive for excellence in everything we do.

Did you know?

  • 1 in 4 people worldwide will struggle with their mental health at some point in their lives
  • Around 450 million people are struggling with mental health right now
  • Mental Health is one of the worlds leading threats to wellbeing
  • 1 in 6 people had a mental health problem in England over the past week
  • Across the UK, 2 out of 3 people with a long-term physical health condition struggle with their mental health

*Reports published by the World Health Organization, the British Mental Health Foundation and the British Department of Health and Social Care.​

Talking Therapies Portsmouth

Talking Therapies Portsmouth is the primary care mental health service for Portsmouth, provided by Solent NHS Trust.

We’re a team of therapists and researchers who specialise in the understanding and treatment of common mental health difficulties.

If you’re struggling with low mood and anxiety, or with a physical condition such as chronic pain or fatigue, we provide talking therapies to help you cope and feel better.

Therapy with us involves talking to a trained professional about your thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

We offer a wide range of therapies recommended by the National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE), including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Counselling.

Therapy can be provided one-to-one, in a group, over the phone, via video call or online. Depending on the type of therapy offered, we will see you for 6–12 sessions and each session runs for 30 or 60 minutes. Sessions are scheduled at the same time each week.

We can see you in local health clinics across Portsmouth. All of our clinics are wheelchair friendly. If needed, we can provide an interpreter and easy read information.

Make the First Step

It takes strength and courage to ask for help, and we hope you’ll consider therapy with Talking Change.

Read more about what to expect if you prefer.

Talking Change is for everyone aged sixteen or over, who live in Portsmouth and are registered with a GP in the city.

You can self-refer by calling us on 0300 123 3934, by completing this secure form online, or click the lets chat button and talk to Endo South Coast.


Steps 2 Wellbeing

Steps 2 Wellbeing is the primary care mental health service for Southampton and Dorset, provided by Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust.

Within the Steps2Wellbeing service, we understand that additional stressors on your physical health can lead to problems with your mental health. Long-term health conditions can increase your risk of mental health conditions, and decrease your ability to access help. We want to change this here at Steps to Wellbeing, and our “Body and Mind” services offer tailored help to those suffering from long-term health conditions.

We have specialist cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) services for people with chronic pain, including fibromyalgia, endometriosis and adenomyosis.

CBT looks at the ways in which our thoughts, feelings and behaviours affect each other. Our trained and experienced CBT therapists will work with you to explore what changes you could make that would help you to cope better and feel better. We can’t promise to take your pain away, but we will support you to make choices and changes that will enable you to live the best life possible.

​Make the first step

Our service accepts self referrals from anyone over the age of 18 registered with a Dorset or Southampton City GP through our secure online form enabling you to take control of your mental health.

Click Here to Refer Yourself


iTalk is the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service for most of Hampshire. We’re a partnership between Solent Mind and Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust.

We support people to improve their mental well-being through education, guided self-help tools and evidence-based talking therapies.

All of our treatments are available free of charge on the NHS for people aged 16 and over, who are registered with a GP in the areas of Hampshire shown on this map.

Building Resilience with Long-Term Health Conditions

iTalk is the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service for most of Hampshire. We’re a partnership between Solent Mind and Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust.

We support people to improve their mental well-being through education, guided self-help tools and evidence-based talking therapies.

All of our treatments are available free of charge on the NHS for people aged 16 and over, who are registered with a GP in the areas of Hampshire shown on this map.
Our six week online course tailored for people living with a long-term physical health condition such as diabetes, COPD, heart disease or chronic pain. Part of our italk health pathway, for people with a long-term physical health condition.

Find out more about italk health

Make the First Step

It takes strength and courage to ask for help, and we hope you’ll consider therapy

Self refer by phone 023 8038 3920 or online



Our online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy programme, available 24/7. We support you via online messages every two weeks to guide you through the programme as you work towards feeling more like yourself again.

SilverCloud offers a range of modules, so that you can access guidance relevant to your situation. These include:

  • Space from Depression and Anxiety
  • Space from Stress
  • Space from Insomnia
  • Space from Diabetes
  • Space from Lung Conditions
  • Space from Chronic Pain
  • Space from Cardio-Vascular Conditions
  • Space from Covid-19

Find out more about SilverCloud

We put on a Webinar with Talking Change and steps to well being

In true Jodie fashion, I forgot to press record at the start so Talking Change is going to send over the slides from their half of the webinar.


Portsmouth Pride

Portsmouth Pride aims to be more than just an LGBTQ+ parade and gathering, we feel that as times are moving on, so should the ethos of Pride. Portsmouth Pride will not discriminate against any person who wants to find out more information or meet new people, we aim to create a safe space for everyone in our community.

Portsmouth Youth Services

Portsmouth Youth Services

Support young people who are exploring their gender identity/sexuality and their families by:

  • Giving support and guidance for professionals
  • Working with schools and other agencies to ensure support for young people is effective
  • Offering short interventions for young people
  • Providing access to a weekly specialist youth group, 4U
  • Arranging short interventions to support families alongside their young person
viking prints

Viking Prints

Viking Prints for Custom made/Personalised HTV (Heat Transfer Vinyl) Clothing

Friends and family of endometriosis south coast

Friends and family of endometriosis south coast has been set up as a safe space for the people that support loved ones with Endometriosis. You can vent, ask questions, and collect information on the condition that affects those closest to you 💛